Selected Pete

And the Gods of the Copybook Headings limped up to explain it once more.

Archive for the ‘national security’ Category

Things You Find on Page 36 Of The NYT

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OpinionJournal – John Fund on the Trail

I keep asking myself what the folks at any given roundup of MSM would have to say if Sandy Berger had a (R) attached to his career.  Keith Olberman, Bill Maher, Hardball, the list goes on – there would be books, parades and at least one instance of self-immolation by now.

..crickets …chirp..chirp

Written by selectedpete

January 29, 2007 at 4:38 pm

Setting the Genie Free

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BREITBART.COM – Russias Putin, India call for weapons free space

Here Putin expresses concern about setting the Space Weapons “Genie” free, but he apparently felt it was ok to set all of the other “Genie’s” free for the right price.

China’s recent space shot which destroyed a satellite, was a very clear message declaring both capability and projection of power.  Just as former wars were influenced (and averted) by projection of power on the seas, so future conflict will be similarly affected by the projection of power in the final frontier.  China’s message?  “We do as we wish, and when we wish.  You cannot protect yourself.”

Written by selectedpete

January 25, 2007 at 8:07 pm

The details are not so important to Gorbachev

leave a comment » – Gorbachev compares proposed U.S. border wall to Berlin Wall

Gorbachev basically invalidates anything else he has to say when he compares the Berlin wall to the proposed US/Mexico fence.  SelectedPete would like to remind Gorby that he’s free to contrast and compare as soon as machine guns start cutting down the thousands of Americans fleeing to Mexico.   Mr Gorbachev, please be quiet now and take your seat next to Mr Carter.

Written by selectedpete

October 18, 2006 at 4:54 pm